Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


We are having such a fun summer so far. It has gone by so fast and I can't believe August will be here in just a week, we have tried to enjoy every moment and have had a great time. Our summer has been full of swimming, boating, yard work, family, friends, swinging, playing, laughing a little sleep here and there and just a whole lot of fun! I just downloaded a ton of pictures from my camera and I am having a hard time knowing where to start but here are a few of the highlights of our summer with Makena. She is growing up and changing every day, it is exciting to watch her take in all the new things. She is so much fun and I love spending my days playing with her and watching her as she learns and grows.


One Monday night for family night we went boating with our good friend's and neighbor's the Rowley's. We fished most of the time, which is a first on our boat, and we even caught a fish!! The kids we so excited, I love Makena's face there in the background you would think it was christmas with how big she is smiling about that fish. We did some skiing too, even though it was still a bit chilly at this time. It was fun hanging out and chatting with them.

Makena tried kissing their little boy Dax all night. She has a crush on him or something, when I have tended him in the past she was always trying to kiss him then too. One of her very first words was Dax, they have such a cute bond. I love watching them play, Makena gets so excited when Dax is around.

One afternoon in June I met my two good friends, Jena nd Brooke, and their kids at the Riverdale park to let the kids play on the swings and slides and have a picnic lunch. We had so much fun talking and of course spent a lot of time chasing our kids around.
Riverdale Park has a Splash Pad and the kids insisted on playing in it even though it was a pretty cool day. Makena wasn't too sure about it she seemed content to stand at the edge and watch the kids. This was as close to the water that she got, which was ok with me.

Watching all the kids, happy to be in her swimming suit running around.

I laugh everytime I look at this picture, I love it! This is all our kids together and shows pretty much how it is when we are all together-crazy and hectic but lots of fun. The boys were freezing but that didn't stop them from running around in the water. Its weird to see all these kids and realize they are all ours, oh how things have changed since our high school and college days.

Makena LOVES ice cream! Whenever she eats it she wants to do it all by herself so it is always a big mess but so yummy and very funny (even though I have to clean up the mess after.) Its a good way to stay cool on the hot days.

Makena and I went to the zoo with Shane's sister Trish and her family in the end of June to celebrate her little boy's 4th B-Day. I had never taken Makena to the zoo and had been wanting to take her for months so I was very excited to tag along with the Batt family. Makena had so much fun going there with her cousins, I think she was more interested in running around with them than in the animals most of the time.

Sawyer and Makena ready to head into the zoo. Everyone is excited for a fun day seeing all the animals.

The kids really liked seeing the elephants, especially little baby Zuri. Even Makena was pointing and trying to say elephant.

Emma, Makena and Sam seeing how big they are compared to the Gorillas.

Makena's favorite part of the day besides getting out of her stroller and running away from me as fast as she could was the monkey's, ape's and chimpanzees. There was an Ape (I think) that was asleep on the ground right next to the glass and Makena seriously stood there and just laughed at it she thought this was hilarious.

Aunt Trish (she was due with her baby in only two weeks so she was a trooper going to the zoo and walking around in the heat), Miles the birthday boy and Makena enjoying a rest for a minute.

The kids also liked seeing the giraffes, they were really close to where were standing eating leaves off a tree so it was pretty cool to watch.

We ended the day with a yummy picnic lunch. Emma and Makena having fun after lunch. What a wonderful day, it was so fun at the zoo!

On the 3rd I took Makena down to Centerville to go to the breakfast and parade with my mom and dad and my sister, Mandi, to celebrate the 4th of July.

At first Makena wasn't sure what was going on but she soon realized the parade was a lot of fun with lots of candy, neat floats and music. She loved waving back to all the people in the parade and here she is totally dancing and singing along with the band.

Watching the parade with Grandma and Grandpa Wilding. Aunt Mandi and Grandpa ran in a 5k before the parade. Makena LOVED getting all the candy.

On the 5th we went to a park up by our house and had dinner and hung out with Shane's aunt and uncle and cousins. We chatted, played games and waited for the fireworks. Although we didn't last for the fireworks, it had been a long and busy weekend for Makena. She did have a great time playing in this chair at the park, she felt like one of the grownups in it I think.

Makena and Kristen playing in the park. We had such a fun 4th, I wish it was on Sunday every year so we can celebrate on both Saturday and Monday.