Two weeks ago we had some pictures taken to get some of little Marli and some of the girls together. We even did a few family ones too. They turned out so cute and I love love love them!! These two little girls are so special and the joy of mine and Shane's life. What a fun time of life we are at!
Marli is almost 6 weeks old! Time with her is flying by. We love having her in our home, she has brought such a special spirit to it. She is such a good baby, she still sleeps a lot but is starting to be a bit more alert and is a great eater. I call her my angel baby, she just has such a mild temperment. She is still a tiny little thing but has grown quite a bit in the last few weeks. We love this little baby and think she is such a cutie! We feel so blessed and happy to have her!
Our sweet girl at 2 weeks old.
Hanging our with Grandpa Wilding at Makena's B-day party
About 3 weeks old
Sleepy girl
Makena being mom's big helper feeding Marli a bottle. So happy that she will take a bottle once in a while!
My sweet Makena is growing up so fast I can't believe it. She turned 3 last month and started Pre-school! Yes it was a big month! Its been so much fun to watch her grow and change. I feel like it was just yesterday that she was born and now here she is going off to school all on her own. She is such a fun, energetic girl. She loves playing with her babies and going shopping with her play grocery cart. She talks a ton and is such a good helper with Marli. I love this little girl so much even though lately she has really become an expert at challenging my negotiation skills and thinks she is the one runnin' the show at our house. She never stops moving these days and just watching her wears me out but she never fails to bring a smile to my face or make us laugh at the funny things she has to say. At her 3 year old check up her stats were 27 pounds and 37 inches tall.
Here are some pictures from her birthday. Aunt Mandi totally surprised us by showing up at our house the night before Makena's b-day. There was a knock at the door and when we opened it there she was! What a wonderful surprise! Mandi came out to see baby Marli and be there for Makena's party, what an incredible aunt! Thank you to her and my mom for such a fun surprise! Makena requested a Princess Cake for her big day, and it turned out super cute! We had a fun party with family in the back yard. She is now officially a big 3 year old!
Makena goes to pre-school one day a week at the school where she will go to Elementary School. Her teacher is Ms. Leesa, and her little cousin Sawyer is in her class. She has gone twice so far and is doing so good. I can tell that she really loves it! It is still weird for me to take her to school and leave her there, she looks so little going in there. These pics are from back to school night and the first day of school.
Well just to give you a little background on us...
We've been married for a little over 4 years now. The time has gone by so fast, but like they say time flies when you're having fun! Married life has been wonderful and we are truly enjoying the jouney that life takes us on. Shane works for a CPA firm in Bountiful, which he really enjoys. He is super busy there, especially during tax season. I am still doing Interior Design and I really love it. We built a new home in 2007, it was a crazy and exciting experience. We love our home and expecially our neighborhood and ward!! We have a little girl, she is absolutely beautiful and the joy of both mine and Shane's life. Makena brings us so much happiness, we are having so much fun with her. As I said we have a lot of great things going on in life so this blog is to keep our friends and family in the loop. Hope you enjoy.